90 research outputs found

    A document-like software visualization method for effective cognition of c-based software systems

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    It is clear that maintenance is a crucial and very costly process in a software life cycle. Nowadays there are a lot of software systems particularly legacy systems that are always maintained from time to time as new requirements arise. One important source to understand a software system before it is being maintained is through the documentation, particularly system documentation. Unfortunately, not all software systems developed or maintained are accompanied with their reliable and updated documents. In this case, source codes will be the only reliable source for programmers. A number of studies have been carried out in order to assist cognition based on source codes. One way is through tool automation via reverse engineering technique in which source codes will be parsed and the information extracted will be visualized using certain visualization methods. Most software visualization methods use graph as the main element to represent extracted software artifacts. Nevertheless, current methods tend to produce more complicated graphs and do not grant an explicit, document-like re-documentation environment. Hence, this thesis proposes a document-like software visualization method called DocLike Modularized Graph (DMG). The method is realized in a prototype tool named DocLike Viewer that targets on C-based software systems. The main contribution of the DMG method is to provide an explicit structural re-document mechanism in the software visualization tool. Besides, the DMG method provides more level of information abstractions via less complex graph that include inter-module dependencies, inter-program dependencies, procedural abstraction and also parameter passing. The DMG method was empirically evaluated based on the Goal/Question/Metric (GQM) paradigm and the findings depict that the method can improve productivity and quality in the aspect of cognition or program comprehension. A usability study was also conducted and DocLike Viewer had the most positive responses from the software practitioners

    Pairing-Based Approach to Support Understanding of Object-Oriented Concepts and Programming

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    Blended learning comprises various learning modes with the support of digital resources. It has been a critical element in 21st-century teaching and learning environment at multiple levels of education, mainly tertiary level. In the software engineering field, pair programming is one of the techniques in Xtreme Programming principles in Agile software development methodology. Although pair programming is well-known among practitioners, studies have shown that pair programming can support computer science or software engineering students at higher learning institutions to understand the concepts in programming. Indeed, pair programming could support active learning among students. Inspired by pair programming, this study proposes that pairing-based pedagogy or “pairgogy” in blended learning could also increase students’ confidence and interest in completing theoretical in-class exercises not limited to programming tasks with the support of an e-learning system. The proposed approach was applied to teaching object-oriented concepts using Java programs. The findings reflect that both pair programming and “pairgogy” complement each other as a pairing-based approach in blended learning to support understanding of object-oriented concepts and programming. Students’ responses towards the approach applied in a semester were positive. The study also implies that most students preferred to be a driver, the person doing the program rather than a navigator who guides drivers on what to program. In this approach, students were also required to complete the in-class theoretical questions in pairs by tracing given programs and answered via the e-learning. Thus, the pairing-based approach has proven to be beneficial to support students in learning programming

    A model for knowledge portal to support communities of practice

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    Communities of practice (CoP) are groups of individuals with common interest who communicate and share knowledge among their respective group. The use of knowledge portals for CoP will assist the exchange of knowledge, thus it promotes the learning process. Nevertheless, such portals may encounter many challenges to draw the interest among the members in sharing their knowledge voluntarily. As the result, the portals face inactive participants among the members. Knowledge sharing system such as knowledge portal is useless without knowledge sharing activity among its members. In order to encourage users to share their knowledge, we first must uncover the underlying problems on why the users are reluctant to share their knowledge through the knowledge sharing system. This paper reviews the current obstacles in knowledge sharing among CoP and proposes a model to support the needs that software engineers may consider when designing a knowledge portal

    Financial disclosure and budgetary practices of religious organization: a study of qaryah mosques in Kuala Terengganu

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    This paper aims to examine the financial reporting and budgeting practices of qaryah mosques in Kuala Terengganu, a state in the east of Peninsular Malaysia. Data was collected using a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) approach. The questionnaire was disseminated to qaryah mosques in Kuala Terengganu and 39 responded. To address the limitations of a questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews were then conducted with a few of the respondents. The results revealed that qaryah mosques in Kuala Terengganu do have a satisfactory system in place in terms of their financial reporting practices. However, budgetary control practices appear to be lacking. This indicates accounting, as is practiced by qaryah mosques in Kuala Terengganu appears to be limited to financial accounting. Hence, the financial management in qaryah mosques needs to be improved so that the risk of embezzlement can be reduced. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pelaporan dan penganggaran praktek keuangan masjid-masjid qaryah di Kuala Terengganu, Negara bagian di timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan campuran (kuantitatif dan kualitatif). Kuesioner disebarkan ke masjid-masjid qaryah di Kuala Terengganu dengan jawaban yang diterima sebanyak 39. Untuk mengatasi keterbatasan survei kuesioner, kemudian dilakukan wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan beberapa responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masjid-masjid qaryah di Kuala Terengganu memiliki sistem yang memuaskan dalam hal praktek pelaporan keuangannya, namun, nampaknya kurang dalam praktik kontrol anggaran. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa akuntansi, seperti yang dilakukan oleh masjid-masjid qaryah di Kuala Terengganu tampaknya hanya terbatas pada akuntansi keuangan. Oleh karena itu, manajemen keuangan di masjid-masjid qaryah perlu ditingkatkan sehingga risiko penggelapan dana dapat dikurangi. Keywords: accountability; budgets; financial reporting; qaryah mosques; religious organization

    A User-Defined Approach for Reverse Engineering Tool to Visualize, Understand and Re-document Existing Software Systems (UDARE)

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    Pemahaman sesuatu perisian sedia ad~khususnya sistem legasLialah satu tugas~rumit.-Pembangun-atau pengemaskini perisian perlu mempelajari kod sumber sebelum menukar program terlibat dengan bantuan mana-mana dokumen atau tanpa dokumen. Banyak produk CASE (Kejuruteraan Peri sian Berbantukan Komputer) atau alat telah muncul untuk membantu pengemaskini perisian yang menghadapi ketiadaan dokumentasi atau ia tidak terkemaskini terutamanya dokumen reka bentuk yang menyediakan maklumat paling terperinci mengenai sistem perisian. Understanding an existing software system particularly a legacy system is a tedious task. Software developers or maintainers need to study the source codes prior to changing the affected programs with the aid of any documents or even without any document. Many CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) products or tools have emerged to assist software maintainers who are confronted with absence of documentation or outdated documentation particularly design document that provides the most detail information about a software system

    Financial Disclosure and Budgetary Practices of Religious Organization: A Study of Qaryah Mosques in Kuala Terengganu

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    This paper aims to examine the financial reporting and budgeting practices of qaryah mosques in Kuala Terengganu, a state in the east of Peninsular Malaysia. Data was collected using a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) approach. The questionnaire was disseminated to qaryah mosques in Kuala Terengganu and 39 responded. To address the limitations of a questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews were then conducted with a few of the respondents. The results revealed that qaryah mosques in Kuala Terengganu do have a satisfactory system in place in terms of their financial reporting practices. However, budgetary control practices appear to be lacking. This indicates accounting, as is practiced by qaryah mosques in Kuala Terengganu appears to be limited to financial accounting. Hence, the financial management in qaryah mosques needs to be improved so that the risk of embezzlement can be reduced

    Evaluating multi-sensors data for the development of three-dimensional photo realistic model of archaeological site documentation

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    Stimulated by the highly demand on three-dimensional (3D) photo-realistic model of archaeological remains, a method which can rapidly record the remains meticulously has become a crucial requirement. Conventional method seems to be impractical to fulfil the demand because the output is in two-dimensional, destructive method, require bigger storage and a lot of manpower. Hence, this study was carried out in order to develop method for integrating multi-sensors data with the aim of producing 3D photo-realistic model of archaeological remains. Besides that, it is also intended to determine the reliability of Leica ScanStation C10 Terrestrial Laser Scanner in generating accurate geometric model of the monument. Based on the results obtained, the integration of ScanStation C10 and images data is capable in providing a 3D photo-realistic model of Bukit Batu Pahat shrine where feature mapping accuracy shown that the model is 90.56 percent similar with the real object. Additionally, the geometrical accuracy of the model generated by ScanStation C10 data is very convincing which is ±4 millimetres. Besides that, NextEngine scanner had produced an outstanding photo-realistic model of the artefact where feature mapping analysis shown that the artefact models are 88.89 percent similar with the real artefact while ±0.02 millimetres for geometric mapping accuracy. Visualization of the models in 3D environment is effective and fascinating. Instead of conducting virtual measurement and texture analysis, archaeologists can use the visualization as a bridge to share archaeological remains with the public. In a nutshell, the goals of this research have successfully achieved where a 3D photo- realistic model of Bukit Batu Pahat archaeological remains were generated from multi-sensors data and possess good geometric accuracy

    Rough Set Granularity in Mobile Web Pre-Caching

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    Mobile Web pre-caching (Web prefetching and caching) is an explication of performance enhancement and storage limitation ofmobile devices